Arbitration appeals

Appealing arbitration decisions, for the most part, are a losers' game.  The standard for an appeal of an award is totally different from that of a court case.  The term is "vacatur" which means the award can be wrong on the law, completely misapply is and it DOES NOT MATTER. You read that correctly.  It [...]

When the Judge has not read your papers

I have read various articles over the years about how you should never ask a judge if they have read the papers.  Thurmon Arnold, one of my favorite bloggers, commented in a post on advice for self-represented litigants the following:   Rule #6: Never Assume the Court Has Read the File, and Never Ask Never [...]

American Middle Class Cannot Afford a Lawyer

According to an article in ABA Journal, "Lawyers are just too expensive for many people needing legal help, a law professor says. “You can hardly find a lawyer who charges less than $150 per hour, which is out of reach for most people," University of Southern California law professor Gillian Hadfield tells the Wall Street [...]

Arbitration attorney in Napa, Sonoma, Marin, Lake and Mendocino counties

What is arbitration?  Generally speaking, what people really mean when they talk about "arbitration" is "binding arbitration".  "Binding arbitration" is a type of ADR (alternate dispute resolution which usually includes mediation, arbitration, neutral case evaluation and some other ways of solving suits without recourse to court). Given the budget cuts and the increasing overload, the [...]

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