Throwing Up Roadblocks In Family Law Cases

If you are a parent and/or spouse who is using the family court process in order to impose your will upon the other person, one tried & true "dirty" trick is to throw up "roadblocks" at every opportunity. The popular saying among lawyers (which at one time I thought was humorous and now think is disgusting) [...]

High Conflict Personality chart from Bill Eddy

Cognitive Distortions And Litigation Few legal professionals understand the attraction of those with personality disorders or traits to the legal process. Yet a comparison of characteristics shows a perfect fit, which may explain why they increasingly show up in court as High Conflict Personalities. Characteristics of HCPs Characteristics of Court Process Lifetime Preoccupation: Blaming others Purpose: Deciding [...]

California Child Custody Attorney

If you are like me and the family I came from, your kids are the most important thing in the world to you.  You will do just about anything to protect them. It is an unfortunate reality that not everyone is clear on the concept of putting the interests of a child ahead of your [...]

High conflict divorce in California: keep it simple

There are a lot of very effective tactics at play in family law litigation in the great state of California.  Among the very best is the use of documentation to provide factual evidence of what is actually transpiring.  There are a great number of people who believe eyewitness testimony, cross-examination, and judicial determinations of credibility [...]

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