The pain of parental alienation

The loss of a child is so immeasurable in the universe of grief that the English language in fact has no word to describe a parent who loses a child.  The words "widow" and "widower" impart the image of one who has lost their mate through the inexorable march of time.  We all suffer losses [...]

Parent Coordination article from APA

A niche that puts children first Psychologists in many states are becoming parenting coordinators to help divorcing parents focus on their children's needs. By DEBORAH SMITH BAILEY Monitor Staff January 2005, Vol 36, No. 1 Print version: page 46 It's the aftermath of a bitter divorce: The parents return to court month after month to [...]

Pioneer in parent coordination Mathew Sullivan

Matthew Sullivan, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist (California Lic. # PSY10214) in private practice in Palo Alto, California, who specializes in forensic child and family psychology. He has been in private practice in Palo Alto for 20 years, specializing in Forensic Family psychology. He is a pioneer in the field of Parenting Coordination, which he [...]

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