Why should I produce documents in my divorce case?

Divorce cases, under California law, often involve finances.  In order to sort out finances, documentation is necessary.  Virtually every divorce case in California requires disclosure of finances to the other side, and depending upon how complex they are, the disclosure can be quite onerous.  This is, without question, the most frustrating portion of my job.  [...]

Discovery in California Family Law Cases

"With the noble sentiment of 'levelling the playing field' so that no party has an undue information advantage, the writers of the discovery rules created a multilevel playing field where the information-rich can kick the information-poor in the head and escape unscathed. "Discovery" is anything but ... Hundreds of thousands of dollars to maintain the [...]

Borderline Personality Disorder and divorce

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a condition characterized by difficulties in regulating emotion. This difficulty leads to severe, unstable mood swings, impulsivity and instability, poor self-image and stormy personal relationships. People may make repeated attempts to avoid real or imagined situations of abandonment. The combined result of living with BPD can manifest into destructive behavior, [...]

The ten biggest mistakes in divorce

What are some of the biggest divorce mistakes? HAVING LESS MONEY THAN YOUR SPOUSE The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.Anatole France, The Red Lily, 1894, chapter 7 French novelist (1844 - 1924)  . If [...]

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