About Wallace Francis

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So far Wallace Francis has created 200 blog entries.


There is unanimous agreement among attorneys and litigants that the family courts do not punish perjury in any meaningful way. I am not going to mince words on this one: the California Superior Courts have abdicated responsibility on this issue.  Perjury is the accepted norm in family law, and as long as perjury is not [...]

California attorney fees in divorce cases

The family courts in California are, for lack of a better term, in crisis.  Anyone with experience in that area of law, or with personal experience with the courts, can tell you the family courts often do not provide justice.  Worse yet, they often injure everyone who comes into contact with them. In my opinion, the [...]

Charges dismissed

On March 31, 2010 charges were dismissed against my client for false allegations of domestic violence. His partner, who had previously served a lengthy six-month term in jail for attacking him and violating the terms of probation, made false allegations that 1) the police bought and 2) the district attorney charged, despite the total absence [...]

Victory of the day

Charges were dismissed today against one of my clients in Sonoma Superior Court. He faced misdemeanor charges of shoplifting when in fact, he had received a free sample from the store clerk, only to be placed in handcuffs and prosecuted.

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